Wednesday, November 27, 2013
On Psychic Boundaries
Intuitive skills, learned or innate, come with responsibility. In general, it is not appropriate to give intuitive and psychic feedback to people without asking first, especially on sensitive issues such as deep wounds and trauma. Or other sensitive, life altering issues.
Most people are good and mean well, if just a tiny bit unconscious. There are metaphysical practitioners that are just a bit over-eager and clumsy. They see stuff and are so excited that they may be able to help that they spill out all they see, without first checking if it is wanted, if it is a good time, etc. Know that sometimes people can be in vulnerable places where it is actually not easy to hear feedback. There may be just too much pain, or a very carefully held balance that cannot balance any extra input. Or there may be decisions to be made that are better and more empowering to make alone. Sometimes people can feel a bit crowded and patronized when receiving input they did not ask for.
We are all here together, but we are here also on a unique journey in which nobody has walked another's shoes. Important to remember this even when we are psychic people, because even if we can see the information about a person, we may still not understand their unique situation, where they are at at that time and the overall purpose of their particular crisis at any given time. It is healthy to always be humble with these things, as we all have pieces of the puzzle, but we often do not have the whole. So always be gracious with your feedback, remembering always that, even if you "know", you may still not know.
Then there is a slightly more toxic version of psychic boundary violation, in which someone "reads" another's vulnerabilities, with the purpose of gaining access to their "wound", to exploit it or to get a leg up over them. These are more "power play" orientated boundary violations and carry a bit more karmic weight. Then there are people who use their psychic skills like a weapon, to make other people feel bad, so they can feel good, or play with people's minds. Sounds nasty, but it happens. Dark posing as light comes to mind.
In general know that someone's psychic space is sacred. We are not allowed to go in there without permission, by karmic law. Its their space, not our space, especially here, in the free will zone. Accessing people's thoughts, feelings, past, soft spots, private spots, is delicate stuff. Privacy is becoming an old fashioned word in this new millennium cyber-world, but privacy is a sacred thing that allows people to have a space where they can just be their own energy, their own thoughts, their own process, their own being without interference. Privacy is necessary for the survival of the spirit. We are collective beings, but we are also atoms of uniqueness within that one being. The collective is only as sacred as the respect it has for each individuality within it. Anything different from that is oppression and violation, from the tyranny of the Borg to the end of the free will of the soul's journey.
Summarizing. Psychic skills can be extremely helpful for people when used for the highest good. But always ask permission before giving your feedback. And always check up on your motivations for giving it in the first place. And as the receiver. If someone offers psychic feedback that does not feel right or feels invasive or malicious, you do not have to receive it or hear it. Tell the person to stop speaking. And pull up your psychic shields. Also check if any of their energy and cords are in your field, as sometimes toxic feedback comes with psychic attack or vampirism. Pull out any cords or energies you dont like and fill your field with Gold. And then focus back on the light of Source and go back on your merry way.
Much love and blessings
Katie Gallanti
Copyright 2013. Katie Gallanti., If re-posting and republishing always include this copyright by-line, author, websites and a direct link to this original post. Much love and happy thanksgiving!
Healing reflections,
Healing Tools,
Healing Work
Tuesday, September 24, 2013
Finding your own Energy and Energetic Communication
Sometimes to find your own vibration, you have to isolate your vibration. That is, we need to withdraw, cut all cords and connections to other people and other situations (even if just for an hour or two), so we can find our own original light signature and feel it.
A few months ago I had a very turbulent and difficult day. Planetary energy storms and my own personal process aside, I was also holding space for two friends that had been going some major challenges and shifts. By the end of that day, I found myself feeling so much emotional pain inside me that I was literally hyperventilating. I dont drink alcohol and I dont use pharmaceuticals, but if I had, it would have been a medicate moment. It was that intense.
I decided to get my pendulum out and to do some dowsing on myself, as if I were my own client. And I found that I was corded to several of my close people who were hurting. So I literally was feeling everybody else's stuff as if it were my own, on top of what I was already feeling myself. I saw that I was corded to at least three people and that one of the cords was very big. I cut the cords and repaired my field and within minutes I was back to peace. Still going through my own process, but now at peace and not spinning out of control in turbulence and confusion.
I also realized that I had been thinking of one of these people all day and that most likely by doing so, I had synched myself to their field. A good thing to remember is that when we focus on people or they on us, our energies begin to talk to each other and merge. In fact in many ways the energy talk between to people's fields is more real and authentic than any letter we may write or words we may speak. If we are clear on how we are feeling originally and then focus on another, we immediately have accurate information about how they are feeling. We can tell if they are open or closed to us, peaceful or angry, just by how our energy shifts when we think of them. But if we are not conscious of this, we may begin to feel what they are feeling and think it is our stuff. Which at times can be very confusing.
The good thing is that we can also find resolution at this level. First of all, once we realize its their stuff, we can cut the cords, send the energy back to the person it belongs to and send them healing (if they are open to it) and then return to our own energy. Or we can work on resolving the issues at hand on the inner planes. We can get very quiet within and send soothing, feelings of love, as well as important communications through the ethers. They are almost always received.
Even when the bonds are permanently severed between people on the physical plane, we can still find a way to bring love to a situation, so that we may resolve or close up situations in a more healing way.
I remember when I was studying the light body in the late nineties and I was working on the heart vibrational center. I toned the heart center for three days straight until I could hear the tones replaying in my mind on automatic, even when I was sleeping. Deep trance ;-) During one of these long sleep and tone nights, I found myself out of my body sitting cross legged, in front of my ex. We had had a bad break up about a year and a half prior and many of our meetings since had been difficult, painful and kind of awkward, as we tried to move on, while sharing a large mutual group of friends and social life. It was not easy and for the past year we had tried to avoid each other when we could.
But here I was cross-legged out of my body, in front of my ex, also cross-legged, out of body, right in front of me. I communicated my sadness at all that had transpired between us and about us no longer talking and how much I missed him even as a friend. He told me he felt the same and that yes we should indeed be friends, it was time. After which I was back in my body and woke up. Five minutes later the phone rang. It was my ex. He had not called me in over a year. He said that he was calling because he felt that it was sad that we did not talk any more. as he missed me and wished we could be friends. I agreed. And from that moment on, we released our previous bond as mates and became friends in the real world. And we are still friends to this day.
We have so many tools at our disposal once we make the leap into the world of the Soul and energy. And these tools become magnified and all healing, when we add the magical ingredients of surrender and love to the mix. When we work energetically from the true heart, a heart that is surrendered to what is best for all involved, knowing that what is best is ultimately the only thing that works long term, we can find true communication and true healing. The healing may occur only in the subtle worlds at first, but eventually it often trickles through into the "real" world too. And if we are motivated by love, what happens is always what needed to occur.
Wishing you a happy and peaceful week ...
Katie Gallanti
Copyright 2013 Katie Gallanti.,
http:// reclaimingthelight.blogspot .com . Feel free to share as a link to this blog post or with author name, websites and copyright byline included.
Saturday, September 21, 2013
Natural Flow, Dark Residues and the Test of Self-Fascination
Lesson in Life
- You cannot force the river, sometimes the river just need to flow back to Mombasa -
One of my favorite scenes in one of my favorite movies, Out of Africa, is when, after years or trying to contain the flow of the river, so that it would water their fields, the river banks crumble and the river breaks free. And Karen's wise assistant says: "This river, M'sad, this river always belonged to Mombasa". And they surrender to the fact that the river, just had to go home.
It is not wise to go against the natural flow of things and if we do there often is a hidden cost and results are not long lasting. Going against the natural flow also includes violations of free will. Push your will and you may get temporary results, but eventually something crumbles and falls. Even if lifetimes from the fact, pushing the will has a boomerang effect. Even the dark one's creations eventually crumble and the chickens of karma, even if not immediately, always come to roost.
Many people who were once dark magicians and held a lot of power in past lives, often come back plagued by the very entities they summoned in those lives. Some dont even realize that they have these beings hitching rides in their field and distorting their reality with suggestions that lead down blind paths. People who think they are free but whose freedom is not their own. Certain kinds of liaisons do not come without a price.
Others come back and have to rectify what they set in motion and need to volunteer to dismantle the very things they aided in creating. Believe it or not even some of the brightest healers and warriors may have once been dark. And some still have sprinkles of that darkness within them that they still need to work out, sprinkles of ego and power drive on an otherwise good cup cake. Which is why there is such a range of personalities, complete with hidden and not so hidden shadowy bits, even within our movement.
One of the tests of the evolutionary path - not using the world spiritual on purpose as not all growing is in a "spiritual" otherworldly context - much of it is right here right now in the trenches of the day to day and the material world ......... one of the tests of the evolutionary path is that of purity in intent and of steering from the pitfalls of ego/power drives.
Example - The whole celebrity fame consciousness - as soon as something becomes popular there is a place for "celebrity" in every movement. As humans not sure why we do this, but we seem to have a need to worship. Maybe an inner homesickness for the transcendent in a world that is overall too secular or too dogmatic. We see sparkles of that transcendent in others and then we seek it, like it and revere it. The healthy side of this is just seeing the beauty of the Universe reflected in some that channel it with little distortion, such as a talent or insight that expresses. We see it, we admire it, we bow at it, just because we want more of it - as it feeds us. However best to know that we all have access to that transcendent. And that we ultimately need to go to the source of it and not allow it to just reside in outer idols. We all carry inside a seed of that spark and it is our responsibility to look for it and nurture it, so that we too may shine with purity.
However, the danger is then in those that seek this bowing and admiring of others. And that may then express that spark to boost something that is empty or feed a low sense of self esteem. Or simply for the fun of the boost. There is an energy high that comes when people are on the receiving end of the bowing, and many celebrities get addicted to the high of adoration and others sense it and seek it for themselves. Its energy food and to some extent, it does, indeed, fill one up.
In general the seeking of the worship energy and the seeking of admiration and fame are a hindrance for soul development and a test on the path of evolution. As there comes a point when one evolves, in which one's inner light shines to the point that it draws attention. And at that point, the Soul will be tested, as to what it does with that attention. Does it see it, but continue undisturbed. Or does it make it the new reason for the path. Many fail at this juncture and get fascinated by the fascination they generate in others and get distracted by the effect of their own light. And from here the fall, even if not noticeable to the world, but the inner fall, is inevitable.
Especially for those that misused their power in past lives, this test will come forward in very seductive ways. The opportunity for such seduction will be there and the Soul will need to see it and resist the temptation. Does this mean that one cannot reap the rewards of one's work? No. But, one has to stay humble and true, and continue to move forward, neutral to the glittering lights of the attention one generates. If this lesson is mastered the rewards will continue, but so will the purity of information coming through that person. And so will the reach of that information, as truth moves and carries forward of its own force. A reminder that is actually the truth and the information that moves the mountains, not the person. The person is just the vehicle that carries the mission forward. And Spirit is grateful to the carriers of mission. And Spirit does reward those that do the work. But it quickly distances from those that fall in the test of Glitter and Shine and succumb to glamor of their own self-fascination.
If you notice this is the case with so many people. They start getting the reward and they deviate and become other. And then soon whatever traction they had loses its true power and effectiveness, in exchange for a bad imitation of lackluster powerfulness that does not carry weight nor punch. I am sure each one of us can think of a thousand examples of this in many fields, as it is a pretty standard thing.
So good for us to remember always to check up on our motivation and what drives us. Are we on mission for ourselves and for our own reward? Or our we on mission with a commitment to carry potent energy of change forward for goals beyond self and gratification. The difference is sometimes a subtle one and its ok sometimes to walk within the blurred lines, as long as eventually one sees and walks back on the proper way to home.
Always keep steady, clear and true.
That's my thought for the day
Much love
Copyright 2013 Katie Gallanti.,
http:// reclaimingthelight.blogspot .com . Feel free to share as a link to this blog post or with author name, websites and copyright byline included.
Friday, September 20, 2013
Angels in Body Suits
When I had my full blown adrenal crash in 2009 I was so sick I could not walk and for several months I was bedridden and the maximum effort I could make was to walk from my bedroom to the kitchen, where it would take me 2 hours to fix one meal for the day and change Missy's litter box. I literally could only lift the lid of the litter box, then had to sit down for 20 minutes to recover from the effort, before I could proceed further. I lived in a severe mental fog, could not work and burned through all my savings. I was also alone, as there was nobody in my life to do chores for me or go buy groceries. I would get a cab to go to the grocery store and back and going to get food was a massive undertaking.
In the middle of this crisis is when I started making jewelry, as I got to the bottom of my savings and I did not have the energy to do any sessions, so I took a necklace someone gave me, which was kind of ugly, but had nice stones on it and I went to the bead store to get a few things to make it pretty. The next day I sold it and that payed for my groceries for the week. Once that crisis started easing up and I could actually think straight, even if body was still ultra-fatigued, is also when I came on Facebook for the first time. And I made my first YouTube video that now has ten-thousand views. and recorded my first series of mp3s. And started my blog. And wrote my first articles on planetary astral warrior work. Looking back its amazing I managed to do any of it, as I was extremely sick. A normal person with money in the bank would have been in a hospital, while I was making videos, recording MP3s and even on the radio doing shows. In fact I had my first radio show with Cariel right in the middle of this crisis. Obviously in the middle of this sickness, some part of me was working fine.
During that time, one of the few people that showed up to help was actually a lady who was a Jehovah's Witness who used to come and knock on my door to give me the Watchtower. I had always chatted with her in the past and all of a sudden she could see that I could not even make it to open the door for her. So she started dropping by with soup and a roll of bread from Wholefoods. She does not come to my door any more, I must no longer be on her route. And I miss that lady.
I was thinking about this this morning and thinking how most people have really bad association with the Jehovah's peeps, but for me the lady was like a breath of life saving fresh air. Made me also think how kind human beings can be. No matter what our beliefs or persuasions, we are all here in the body suit, doing our best to learn our lessons, live the best life we can and hopefully learn how to love our fellow man and our own selves in a good way. All the rest is just window dressing and decoration that we discard the minute we leave the planet and we should never let that stuff interfere with our willingness to see the soul inside.
Just my two cents for the day...
Much love
Katie Gallanti
Copyright 2013 Katie Gallanti.,
http:// reclaimingthelight.blogspot .com . Feel free to share as a link to this blog post or with author name, websites and copyright byline included.
Wednesday, September 18, 2013
Traumatic Shattering, Reclaiming Wholeness
There can be occasions in which people and situations that really hurt us to the point where one begins to break apart. This can be an abusive situation, like an abusive mate or parent, or a situation that generates soul breaking degrees of stress. This fragmentation is also at the base of all trauma based mind control. We all have a limit as to what we can withstand and when that limit is reached, we start to fragment. Children are particularly vulnerable to this, as their energy structure is still very delicate and they often will split into alter personalities when this happens, whether in a visible way, such as with Dissociative Identity Disorder, or just as breaks within their inner psyche, as traumatized inner child aspects that remain frozen in the inner world. But adults can break too, usually shattering under pressure and slipping into a chaotic or catatonic state that many refer to as a nervous breakdown.
In these times, it is important to remember who you are energetically. One of the devastating side effects of partner abuse or child abuse, for example, is that the discordant persons are in close daily proximity and can literally drip feed the poison on a daily basis so slowly that one does not realize one is dying until one is almost out of all light. Very much like a frog will boil to death in a pot of water in which the heat is raised very gradually.
When this happens, the first thing one needs to do is cut all energetic cords between self and the discordant person or situation. And recall all of one's light to oneself. All of the parts of the self that have been scattered from the stress or the pain need to be called back to the center and to the core of one's being. It also helps to energetically anchor to the original soul blueprint of the self on the higher dimensions and to bring it back into one's physical vehicle, as this will automatically restore balance and a true sense of self. And if any darkness penetrated one's field, as abusive people are often vehicles for dark beings that operate through them, expel the darkness from your field and repair any parts of the self that had been damaged with golden threads of light. Then shield the energy field with a thick glass like wrapper of transparent light.
Also allow for all the pain that has overloaded your system to breaking point to dissipate and dissolve. This can be old pain, new pain, old trauma or new. And just see it leave and evaporate like mist in the morning sun... now gone. Spin out of your field any residue of shattering trauma and call to yourself over and over the highest manifestation of your essence, knowing that you can heal instantly from all trauma and all exposure to darkness. Huddle the inner children towards the center of your being and create a ring of protection around them and flood them with healing stemming right from the center of Creator, so that they may feel loved and safe.
Continue to do this and as you do this, day in day out, repeat as your mantra: "I now return to my wholeness. I forgive all transgressions from all lives past and present, while I reclaim my full divine self. I see innocence in all players, while also doing what is needed to take care of and protect my being and light. I re-instate my being-ness of love and also my power as a carrier of light. I restore in myself the parts of myself that have been broken or forgotten or repressed. I integrate and heal all the parts of my self, repairing all fractures, with grace and ease. I recognize the power of Creator and the aspects of myself that are Creator to restore all beauty, all health, all love all joy, all self worth, all wholeness into my being in instant and miraculous ways. My wholeness is but one thought and one light blueprint away. I embrace all my experiences as pathways of growth, while also giving myself permission to move away from those experiences of pain once my lessons have been fully learned. I now give myself permission to experience only enhancing and healing connections. As I project my own healing light into the outer world, I encounter an abundance of positive healing reflections of light in all my interactions."
May you reclaim all pieces of yourself and shine your wholeness to all corners of the world. May your being cocoon and transform into the butterfly of gold you always were and were always meant to be.
And also remember to send light to all the players in the story, as most people are just innocent in their inability to hold a strong field and see clearly the effects of their actions. Hardly any soul would hurt another if they truly understood the magnitude of the effects of their actions. And most people who harm others do so, out of their own inability to manage their own emotions, be connected to their own being, their own feelings and their own source light. Ultimately all is just trauma talking to trauma. And all trauma is just a wound begging for healing. May all sources of pain and their root causes find healing and be healed for all beings on planet Earth, so we may move away from the world of wounded reactions, into a world of new creations of love.
Much love
Katie Gallanti
Copyright 2013 Katie Gallanti.,
http:// reclaimingthelight.blogspot .com . Feel free to share as a link to this blog post or with author name, websites and copyright byline included.
Tuesday, September 03, 2013
Special Offer and some info on Guides and other Dimensions
Alright sweet people, last two days on my end of summer special for sessions - offering 45 mins for $88 (instead of 125), one hour for 111 instead of 150, and longer 75 min sessions for 144 instead if 188 - people have asked me if the can just get the minutes now and use them later as they need them and I have said yes. So basically, you can get some time with me this way and then claim it as you see fit over the next six months. Even split it up in chunks... I am ok with that :-)
If you want to do the work now, know that short sessions are good for running stuff by me, guidance, problem solving as well as general energy clearing work of your field and chakras. Longer sessions are suitable for deeper energy work, entity removal, working on blockages, past life regression type work, as well as hands on guided processes to connect you with aspects of your self on higher dimensions, your soul on the soul plane (which is something ultra-beneficial, which however people dont truly grasp until they do it). There is a part of us that does not come into incarnation, it is the seed of light from which we stem, except for many of us its more like a radiant beaming sun and it is the Soul hub that is directly connected to Source. Learning how to connect with this part is very beneficial as it shifts our consciousness to a higher level, beyond our personality self and ego. Also once we learn how to travel to the Soul plane we can connect with the soul of others. And have dialogue soul to soul, which sometimes can really shift our relationships with said people, especially if communications on this plane have broken down. One can also work on "karma" this way and get energies to shift that may otherwise be stubborn.
You can also use these sessions for connection with guides and councils on other side, where I teach you also how to maintain that connection.
Most of us have a set of beings that work with us throughout our lives and we dont even know what they are all about. Making that connection conscious and knowing how to consciously access it can be very useful, especially if you have a mission in life that is larger than yourself. In fact usually people that have a "collective mission" have a bigger team, what I call councils, as they need it to get their work done. And by the way this is so even if you dont believe in these things or think all beings on the other side are evil tricksters and out to scam you - there are oodles of dark tricksters on the lower dimensions beaming false light and learning how to stay clear of those is important, but important not to throw out the baby with the bathwater, as many of us hail from high dimensional places and have an away team that came with us to support us in "being here" - and getting conscious of that can be very helpful...
But...I digress! lol .... back to the offer...its there for a few days, contact me here or at my email, if you have questions or want to reserve some time. Offer ends tomorrow Sept 4th at midnight.
Much love
Katie G.
Thursday, August 29, 2013
Calming Emotional Turbulence
When the energies get very intense, our emotions can get very turbulent. This is because our energy field and DNA contain within it the energy patterns of all of who we are, including those of our unresolved issues, blockages, etc. When the energy hits the energy field/DNA, those patterns are "switched on" and start talking to us. And as this happens, our emotional body can also become a little overwhelmed by all the releasing. As can inner child aspects that are not yet fully integrated (which is the case for most of us ;-)).
Some tips for re-balancing the turbulence ...
- You can release the emotions - cry, vent, punch a pillow
- Sometimes the energy is not just yours its collective - turn down the dial on what you are feeling that is not yours - imagine a dial in your head and ask for it to show you how much of the energy you are feeling is actually yours. If its 20%, see the arrow of the dial sweeping the 80% that is not yours off your dial, knowing that, as you do so, it will leave your energy field.
For what is left that is yours ...
- Spin it out of your field. Literally imagine your field spinning and releasing, like a washing machine on the fast spin cycle, until its gone.
- Flood your energy field and nervous system with cool blue light. That will sooth things and tone the "heat" down a notch, if your nerves are frazzled. You can do the same for your endocrine system, if its acting out with Cosmic PMS.
- Raise your vibration - literally - take your energy field/being and lift it so that it merges with your Soul Self and Soul light. All that is lower vibration will begin releasing naturally and your energy bodies will smooth out.
Some of these tips will be sufficient for giving some reprieve to your emotions from the edgy grand-crossness. (new word ;-))
Sending love
Copyright 2013 Katie Gallanti. , . Feel free to share if including this copyright, author's name and websites.
Also - if the clearing tips above are not enough, the energies may be magnifying some deeper issues - I offer a variety of sessions aimed at shifting energies and healing issues - and currently there is a special offer on energy clearing and all other sessions from now till Sept 4th --- See some of the sessions provided and special offer details here or follow the links/tabs at the top of the blog page :-) x x x Much love to you all and happy transitioning :-)
Collective Shift,
Energy Update,
Healing Tools
Abundance Affirmation and Energy Workout

The Universe is a friendly place and it cooperates with my Soul And Vision. It brings me what I need, when I ask and intend it. I am confident in my ability to create. I am a Source of creation energy. I put out my intent in alignment with the highest good of all, and the universe responds to my call with dance in its step.
I create with joy. I release stress and worry and I embrace trust and faith. I release all stress from my body and energy field. I replace it with the energy of trust. I have faith in my ability to create and receive all that is required for my well-being, sustenance and unfolding.
I focus on the now. I notice how I am already abundant now - I am fed, clothed and have enough for today. Today I am abundant. I trust that in each moment, my needs are met and that I will continue to be abundant in every Now moment. I am grateful for what I have and that draws more into my being. As the Universe gives more when we say thank you. That's just how the Universe is wired lol
The Universe is a kick ass being. Miracles are its favorite thing. The Universe is bursting at the seams to deliver miracles. I get in synch with the miracle making nature of the Universe and I allow it to play in my field.
The Universe has a sense of humor. It gives more to those that find a way to chuckle and laugh through the turbulence. I lighten my energy today and find something to chuckle about. And as I do so I increase my flow.
I visualize what I choose to create in my life. Then I send it into the universe that delivers it too me. I allow the Universe the perfect time to bake my manifestation cake. And I let go and sit in full faith during the process.
I visualize all in my life being abundant and happy. As I do so I bake lots of happy juice also in my own being. I see all in the world abundant and happily giving and receiving. Grateful that they are able to give and grateful that they are able to receive. All in the world is in balance. All flows in harmony and love.
I hold high images of myself and of humanity. And I broadcast them wherever I go. I hold the space for the best that humanity can be. And as I do so I anchor that vision into the world.
I am rewarded by the Universe for my path of service. I serve in balance in ways that bring me joy. I let go of self sacrifice and abnegation. I always find a way to give that is honoring to both myself and others. And as I do so I thrive in a community of love.
I am grateful for my life, my path, and those I love. Love comes to me from all corners of the world. I am grateful for my continuous unfolding in the grand symphony of love.
And so it is.
Katie x x x
Copyright 2013 Katie Gallanti. , . Feel free to share if including this copyright, auhtor's name and websites.
Thursday, July 11, 2013
Poem: And now the child remembers ...
And the child walked beyond the Sun
into the higher dimensional doorway.
Suddenly aware of the Universe around her,
she saw the world in new ways
And the child turned around on herself
and looked at the cosmos with new eyes.
The beauty of the movement of the stars
slow, as if walking purposeful,
shimmered across the void.
And the purple streams of light
sang songs to her insides.
and the swift rivers of gold,
hummed the vibration of home.
The child was in awe,
as if seeing for the first time.
And the layers that were dormant
were once again awake.
And the doors that were closed
were once again open.
And the child spread her arms wide,
allowing for the drops of infinite
to excavate her like rock,
digging for the parts of her that
still shine.
And the infinite found her
and the diamonds within her
the jewels of her essence,
buried under layers of stone and dust,
And the infinite found her,
and breathed light within her.
And the essence inside her
And now the child remembers
the ancient beauty
and the songs that do not perish.
And now the child remembers...
and born again from embers,
she paints songs and rainbows
in the inner skies.
©2013 Katie Gallanti
Healing with Source Love
During these challenging astrological and solar galactic times of acceleration, which trigger so much of our stuff at one time, we can experience some overwhelm. Also, for many, relationships, jobs, friendships, outer forms and ways of being that do not match the new vibrations that we are integrating are ending sometimes abruptly and dramatically. This is both the nature of the Pluto Uranus square and the nature of the intense energies we are absorbing into our being from the solar/galactic field. The combo at times can be a little much to navigate for the incarnational self. Lots of stripping. And lots of change.
At these times of overwhelm, our psychological and emotional "stuff" is up for us to work on and clear. And, alongside the real world events and endings, we can literally feel a little broken for a while. And in some ways we are, as integral parts of our being and life are being broken off, so that they can be either evolved to a higher level or replaced by something healthier. This is much like breaking a bone that did not set right, so that it can be realigned and heal properly. Something is broken, so it can be reset. It may hurt, but ...its a good thing.
The transitional phase can be experienced like a void, in which all that has been removed is gone, the wounds are still wide open, but not much has yet come to replace it. This is also a time in which parts of us that carry pain from past lives or childhood start to talk, as the abrupt shift can trigger a primal reaction in the parts of us that still carry pain, trauma or fear. This is a great opportunity for healing those parts, as long as we do not go under- i.e. the purpose here is to look at these parts and heal them, not to allow them to run the show. One of the ways of working energetically with this transitional phase is that of tapping into the LOVE present in the universe at its source. I call this Source Love. Imagine downloading this love into your being, through your crown, until all of you body - every cell, all DNA, every molecule , every atom, every chakra - and the whole energy field are flooded with Source Love. Hold the inner child aspects of self and the past life selves in the center of the heart chakra and flood those with Source Love too.
Source Love has its own wisdom and consciousness. You don't need to figure out how to heal or fix something, just flood it with a steady stream of love. Pulse your being with love, from head to toe, over and over, until all emotions calm, all inner parts soothe, until the body feels relaxed and at peace. And you will often then find that with this, the mental body also shifts and new thoughts come into your mind and new perspectives: ones that help you see clearly and that aid you in holding center and in taking the next most appropriate step in present time.
If the intensity of the events in your life is major, that one step may be all that you can do, but know that also that is often all that is required. As each day, as you flood your being with love, each day that one step moves you forward and before you know it, in present time, you are on the new path that Spirit is leading you towards. As this is ultimately what this is all about, a transition into a new level of being, that delivers us, in love, to our wholeness.
Also know that at times, flooding with Source Love, automatically bumps us up into a higher energy stream of the collective consciousness. What some refer to as the New Earth and which is none other than a higher energetic experience in the collective consciousness. It is my experience that when I raise my vibration as to match this consciousness stream, suddenly problems seem small, perspective become clear, wisdom comes easier, as well as a less emotional and more detached way of interpreting life that is less drama filled and more vision filled. Its a place in which new futures and new visions are clear, in which the world is more energetic and less physical and in which manifestation flows in more direct ways. Manifestation as energy moving and coalescing. And the light of the Soul is easier to embody and transmit from here.
At this level all is Soul unfolding. And issues shift easily as energy. Flood the issue with energy and it transforms and dissolves. Self healing is also easier and the chakras take on a new shimmer.
This consciousness stream is one shift in perspective away. My sense at the moment is that although it exists already in a stable way, we are still a little on off in our ability to connect and hold this vibration steadily. So we go in and out of higher and lower, new and old, and it can feel a little confusing at times. Bringing in Source Love and flooding our beingness with it on an ongoing basis works very well for stabilizing the new vibration. As usual it is about staying conscious moment to moment. And shifting difficult energies and emotions before they snowball and avalanche. As the more consistently we can raise our field, the more we can anchor into higher light and the easier and more stable our experience in these vast accelerating energies.
Trust in the wisdom of the consciousness of the energy of love and one step at a time you will be exactly where you need to be. As well as all of who you are, in the fullness of your own energetic completion, radiating all the colors that you are and the new frequencies of your being to the world.
May you walk in beauty
Love and blessings
Copyright 2013 Katie Gallanti. . If reposting, include this byline in its entirety as well as a link to this post. Thank you !!
Saturday, June 29, 2013
Releasing the Energy of Old Bonds, Birthing the New Self
Today I was testing out a new headset, to see if it recorded well on my laptop and if it cut out background noise, which in large part it does. Yey ! That means much more recording from me, as I now dont have to wait till 11pm when all the airport noise dies down ( I live close to an airport and planes fly overhead every three minutes or so, which in the past, when recording things, has been as issue).
At first I was doing my little sound test reading from an old article (one I posted on here a year ago), but it then it evolved into this spontaneous "bringing in the new self" process, which I think can be useful and relevant for right now. I was not intending to publish this so the beginning is a bit messy, gets better when I stop reading and just go with in the moment flow. Various things in here therefore: clearing field from the energy of others, clean up of residual energies and contracts at the end of a relationship and a meditative process for bringing forward the next level of Self.
For those that are not releasing a love relationship, you can do this process for any bond that you feel is still lingering in your field (past love relationships that still feel energetically incomplete or any bond that needs releasing). Alternatively you can skip it all together and just go forward to the New Self Process, starting at minute 14:20.
Hugs, blessings, love x x x At first I was doing my little sound test reading from an old article (one I posted on here a year ago), but it then it evolved into this spontaneous "bringing in the new self" process, which I think can be useful and relevant for right now. I was not intending to publish this so the beginning is a bit messy, gets better when I stop reading and just go with in the moment flow. Various things in here therefore: clearing field from the energy of others, clean up of residual energies and contracts at the end of a relationship and a meditative process for bringing forward the next level of Self.
For those that are not releasing a love relationship, you can do this process for any bond that you feel is still lingering in your field (past love relationships that still feel energetically incomplete or any bond that needs releasing). Alternatively you can skip it all together and just go forward to the New Self Process, starting at minute 14:20.
Monday, June 24, 2013
Post Solstice Energy Update
There is a new energy coming in, new and shiny bright.... Things have been shifting energetically and going up up up for about a month, but up until a few days ago in a very "crash and burn clear all issues now" sort of way. Very intense, like the tarot card the tower, on steroids. Many have been busy working and feeling and releasing core issues, sometimes in quite an extreme way. For the past few days instead, solstice onwards, something new is breaking through. A very high and fine vibration is now available, very new high doorways open for those wishing to step through. The energy feels very expansive and a little heady. I see lots of gold purple and magenta and even silver and bright aqua. Its very powerful but not heavy. Lots of deep purple. Transparent, purple hues, deep color, but light vibration. Powerful and regal, and also uplifting.
For a few months prior to now I was told certain things need to step up or wrap up by mid June. My personality was not too happy at how many things wrapped up instead of stepping up, but apparently higher realms have no judgement about this sort of thing. As long as we go into the new phase clutter free. Clutter being our stuff, our patterns and situations that prevent us from moving forward - the decks needed clearing or upgrading, so we could be moving into next big energy shift...which is happening now.
I am being shown two more months to integrate these new very clear and potent energies coming in, after which we get to do something with them in the world. And new people and new situations come in at that point. So... rest up and enjoy floating in the nice purples and magenta post solstice energies, as at some point, most likely September, we get new assignments. But it seems we get to rest till then. Or at least we get to rebuild a new container after the great stripping of the past few months.
In the meantime pay attention to the body. Bodies, especially those of old peeps such as myself (young indigos may have less issues here) are going through some adjustments, in order to hold high voltage, but also to clear and activate new layers. We have two months to take care of bodies while all this takes place. Eat well, drink water, run healing energy and rest, kind of sums it up.
This is a time in which for those that are navigating the higher consciousness streams available within collective energy streams speedy manifestation, but also speedy healing available. Any issue you are dealing with, approach it energetically. Take the issue as energy into the high consciousness streams and flood it with light until it transforms. Do the same with your body chakras and energy field. Visualize taking body into the high consciousness healing streams and bathe it in that light... see the cells clearing, the meridians adjusting, the chakras unblocking and state that all that is lower in the filed (entities, implants, blocks, old patterns) dissolve like vanilla ice-cream on a hot beach .... liquefying and sliding off of you and then evaporating without any sticky residual (Maybe we could have chosen another metaphor lol).
Astrologically (which is not always the same thing, as right now many of the shifts we are experiencing are galactic rather than solar system based), Jupiter is about to go into Cancer and it will stay there for a whole year. It will also soon form a grand water trine with Saturn and Neptune. Which feels like a good harmonious blend of grounding and emotional flow.
Happy integration and end of energy bulletin ;-)
Much love x x x
Katie G. Copyright 2013 Katie Gallanti. If re-posting include authors name (that would be me ;-)) and websites (; and a link to this post. Thank you x x x
Collective Shift,
Energy Update,
Healing reflections
Wednesday, June 12, 2013
Embracing Change and Creation Potential
We make all these projections about the future - we call them plans. Plans are important because they help us direct intention and energy - However, as they say, if you want to make God laugh, tell him/her your plans ;-) ...Meaning that often our Soul and Creator have very different ideas about the options for us to take. In fact detours of this kind happen with frequency ;-)
When the cosmic plans and our plans do not match up, we can have "upheaval": something happens that unequivocally turns everything upside down. If we were not attached to those plans, no harm done. But if we were very invested - like love bonds, marriages, an important career, a child or things that feel kind of important to the fabric of our lives or that gave us some feeling of safety and permanence - then the "upheaval" can be very painful as it literally rips us out of one reality in order to place us in another and often takes a piece of our heart with it. Additionally we often dont get to the other reality right away, so we walk around punch drunk for a little bit, wobbling around hurt and confused for a short while, until Spirit very kindly shows us where we were supposed to go instead ;-) (hopefully lol)
Punch drunk times can be painful times, but they are also times in which we get to look at our lives and what works and what does not work; how we created a scenario and how not to create it again; or how to create something new; or simply, how to find a new direction now that plan A has gone. It can be both daunting and exhilarating, definitely a time best used for shedding skins and building new ways of being, making new doorways and pathways at higher levels of consciousness easier to access.
If you find yourself ripped out of your plans and into "involuntary shifting", honor your punch drunk transitions and "the void", as a window for deep healing ... Embrace the transformative power of these times, so breakdowns may become breakthroughs :-) And allow for the new timelines to open and expand. Affirm that all change is good change and that you are open to transforming, new opportunities and new life.... and above all that you are open and surrendered to the highest manifestation of reality that is open and available to you at this time and to all the healing and tools that will help you get there.
This is also a moment of great planetary change, inner and outer structures are changing and sometimes crumbling. Humanity as a whole is punch drunk, as it looks for new avenues and new ways of being human. On the collective level this is an opportunity for complete re-evaluation. Sometimes its only when things become chaotic that we look for new solutions. Forks in the road appear: what kind of future will we create? We are at a node with many roads. Some roads are higher then others. For us to collectively create and choose.
Embrace the change both inner and outer and hold a vision for the best and highest version of humanity and its societies and its structures coming into form now. A good time to affirm that the highest and best blueprint for the purest version of humanity be accessible to us now. As well as all of the tools and knowledge and actions needed to bring it all into being.
As usual change starts with the self. As each atom eventually shifts the whole. May each atom of humanity find its new vibration with grace and ease :-)
Big hugs, much love
Copyright 2013 Katie Gallanti. If re-posting include authors name (that would be me ;-)) and websites (; and a link to this post. Thank you x x x
Tuesday, June 11, 2013
The Frequency Shift: Bust Out of Your Cocoon
The greatest recipe to a clear connection and clear guidance is the development of your own Soul. Your true Soul and its original vibration, without distortion, is that of a speck of divinity, that shines bright. Your Soul is also on a journey, evolving higher and higher in consciousness. But we are not all connected to our Souls when in a body. Ask for the vibration of your Soul to descend into you with greater and greater clarity. And ask for the vibration of Source to do the same. This may accelerate your lessons for a short period of time, while you get clear of both energies, traumas, past lives and attachments, but it will also clean you out, until you become a greater and clearer conduit for pure consciousness. This will change you and will change the field around you, so that you will effectively be able to navigate into the higher streams of consciousness of the Earth plane.
The Earth plane is an energetic reality. There are many layers within this reality. Different bands of experience that correspond to different ways of experiencing the same externals. As you raise your consciousness energetically, you will shift streams and your experience will become more clear and flowing. You will also begin to resonate with different matching vibrations. New people will come into your life and others will drop away, as you are de facto no longer inhabiting the same energetic playing field- unless they also eventually shift. At first you may not be able to stay stable in the new flow, and you will swing back and forth, but eventually, the shift will be a permanent one.
This is also what is occurring in general on the Earth plane as humanity as a whole is shifting consciousness streams. Like electrons jumping into higher level orbits due to excitation, the galactic solar pulse is shifting each one of our incarnated soul molecules into higher consciousness streams. And so a new Earth is formed, which is not a place, but a new energy and experience within the same place, so that we are all still here, together, but perceiving different worlds simultaneously. Many worlds within a world, some contracting, while others evolving, shifting, expanding.
There is no good nor bad to this process, just different timetables of evolution. But if your soul has decided that it came here to evolve, this is the time to make choices, as there is a timetable to this process - the cosmic clock is ticking . Are you on the bus or off the bus? Do the work required to catch the evolutionary train, if you came here to experience shifting your physicality into higher levels of being - or to act as a catalyst for collective evolution by doing the same -It is worth experiencing the inevitable fragmentation of acceleration, so at to experience the reconfiguring...
This is a time in which dismantlement is an inevitable processes, as there is much that needs to be reassembled and it can sometimes be hard to do this without first pulling apart some pieces. Trust the process as much as you can.
Even the butterfly sheds some blood as she leaves her cocoon. But then she flies unhindered in all her magnificence, parading her new colors.
Much love
Copyright 2013 Katie Gallanti. If re-posting include authors name (that would be me ;-)) and websites (; and a link to this post. Thank you x x x
Discernment and the Frequency Shift
Some people have unhelpful guides - guides that are either not high enough in vibration for their level of development or that are dark orientated beings in disguise. Imagine you are a teacher, guiding many - you can then become a mouthpiece for not so great vibrations that use you to get their distortions across. There is a lot of this out there, even in the truth movement (this is not just a new age phenomena), so pay attention to both what you are receiving in your own mind and what you follow.
Spiritual ego or a desire to obtain power and self aggrandizement through leading others will also attract interference, as ego driven motivations are not service to others aligned. If a person's motivation is about self and not mission, this is an issue. Or better, a lesson in discernment. So make sure to check up regularly about what drives you and those you go to for your external input, as, on the Earth plane people can be easily seduced: the density can make some souls in bodies confused.
Always check up with the feelings in your body and the effects on your spirit, when in interaction with guidance. Is your crown activated and heart when you hear certain info, or your solar plexus. Which does not mean listening to positive information only - in fact many positives are actually not real - I am talking about vibrations of love and truth. Truth based in high chakra vibrations can be punchy, but it will still on some level feel uplifting, as the truth, however dire, will always sets you free. But watch for information that is aiming to distort, throw off balance or mine you for energy. Ego driven energy will often plug into your solar plexus. Literally pulling at it for energy and attention, so ... learn to pay attention to your gut ...literally.
Also be aware that psychopharma chemicals and addictive mind altering chemicals like alcohol and drugs more often than not create openings in the aura and density in vibration that allows access to critters that then can cord you and influence via you. Not all chemicals were created equal nor affect people in equal ways, so for you to discern. But regardless... keep your field clean. If you indulge, clear your field after. Ask Source/ Prime Creator to cut all cords to dark energy, remove any extraneous energies/being that may have entered into your field/being and then ask for your field to be sealed and repaired. And if you ego is culprit, creating a breach, ask for Source to help you get back in alignment. After which, repair and clear your field. Get in the habit of clearing and repairing your field daily. Its a good routine to have.
If you have doubts about who you are working with on the inner planes, as sometimes this can occur (and should as its important to check up regularly), especially if under any form of psychic attack, ask that only that which is in a alignment with the highest expressions of Source beyond polarity, be allowed to serve as your guide or as part of your guidance team. And may all the rest be removed and cleared, as for the highest good of all. For those that do not like to work with guides at all, ask that only the connection to Source/Prime Creator be maintained, without mediators, and that all the rest fall away. But also know that there are many beings in high places, that are very helpful and whose sole job is to assist us and the Earth plane in evolving out the current density into a higher flow. As long as we connect right and with the right teams, beyond deceptions and distortions, there is much life for us to play with that is not only safe, but a very valuable resource for both our personal and collective journey, which for many of us is intertwined.
The greatest recipe to a clear connection and clear guidance is the development of your own Soul. Your true Soul and its original vibration, without distortion, is that of a speck of divinity, that shines bright. Your Soul is also on a journey, evolving higher and higher in consciousness. But we are not all connected to our Souls when in a body. Ask for the vibration of your Soul to descend into you with greater and greater clarity. And ask for the vibration of Source to do the same. This may accelerate your lessons for a short period of time, while you get clear of both energies, traumas, past lives and attachments, but it will also clean you out, until you become a greater and clearer conduit for pure consciousness. This will change you and will change the field around you, so that you will effectively be able to navigate into the higher streams of consciousness of the Earth plane.
The Earth plane is an energetic reality. There are many layers within this reality. Different bands of experience that correspond to different ways of experiencing the same externals. As you raise your consciousness energetically, you will shift streams and your experience will become more clear and flowing. You will also begin to resonate with different matching vibrations. New people will come into your life and others will drop away, as you are de facto no longer inhabiting the same energetic playing field- unless they also eventually shift. At first you may not be able to stay stable in the new flow, and you will swing back and forth, but eventually, the shift will be a permanent one.
This is also what is occurring in general on the Earth plane as humanity as a whole is shifting consciousness streams. Like electrons jumping into higher level orbits due to excitation, the galactic solar pulse is shifting each one of our incarnated soul molecules into higher consciousness streams. And so a new Earth is formed, which is not a place, but a new energy and experience within the same place, so that we are all still here, together, but perceiving different worlds simultaneously. Many worlds within a world, some contracting, while others evolving, shifting, expanding.
There is no good nor bad to this process, just different timetables of evolution. But if your soul has decided that it came here to evolve, this is the time to make choices, as there is a timetable to this process - the cosmic clock is ticking . Are you on the bus or off the bus? Do the work required to catch the evolutionary train, if you came here to experience shifting your physicality into higher levels of being - or to act as a catalyst for collective evolution by doing the same -It is worth experiencing the inevitable fragmentation of acceleration, so at to experience the reconfiguring...
This is a time in which dismantlement is an inevitable processes, as there is much that needs to be reassembled and it can sometimes be hard to do this without first pulling apart some pieces. Trust the process as much as you can.
Even the butterfly sheds some blood as she leaves her cocoon. But then she flies unhindered in all her magnificence, parading her new colors.
Ok...end of long ramble lol
Big love
Copyright 2013 Katie Gallanti. If re-posting include authors name (that would be me ;-)) and websites (; and a link to this post. Thank you x x x
Wednesday, May 29, 2013
Summer 2013 - The Transformational Wax Job
Sometimes we can have a wish, but we dont know if that wish is good for us or not. Or if that wish is about something that in the long run is for the highest good or not. Example. A relationship ending/ends. We may wish that whatever went wrong, is turned right, so that the heartbreak stops and the pieces come back together. But as painful as it may feel, the relationship ending may be exactly what is required so that we go on to do something else, that otherwise we would not have done with our lives.
Same with being fired from a job. A friend of mine got fired a few months ago. It was really unexpected and he had limited savings, as he was not anticipating losing his regular paycheck at a place he had been working at for almost ten years. He got so freaked out at the thought of losing his home that a slow burn pattern of manageable alcoholism became a full blown drinking problem. It got so out of hand so quick, he hit bottom really hard, and now is clean and sober in AA. And from there many more changes are happening, such as saying goodbye to some toxic people who were dragging him down. Traumatic: yes. Whirlwind? Yes. But he cleared a lifelong series of patterns in two months. And now he says that losing his job was the best thing that could have happened to him, as it has speedily landed him into a new and healthy place in his life.
This seems to be the signature of the times. We, as a human race, are accelerating rapidly. And as fun as "accelerating rapidly" sounds, this means often means "working our deep stuff at a speed no human has worked on their stuff before" lol .... Warp speed !! lol ... A roller coaster ride which is not for the faint of heart ;-) ...
Much of our growth, especially right now, happens in this style. Its as if Spirit is saying something on the lines of: "Hello sweet human, there are a couple of things that really are holding you back....but we dont have much time, so...sorry!....this is going to hurt !! .... but I promise it will be over fast" ....Our current way of growth is very much like a wax job ... 1-2-3 rip it off and ouch ... but, see? Much better now ;-)".
If the Pluto Uranus square is plugging your planets right now, you are definitely going to resonate with this no nonsense rapid style of transformation, as in one form or another, its going to been hitting our lives... and its intensifying.
Pluto Uranus in many ways is a warrior signature - some of the people my age, born in the 60s, have this as their base signature - transform or die - we have been living with this since birth. But regardless, its an interesting way of working, which requires a big dose of stamina and faith...
For those undergoing a transformational wax job, the following statements may be helpful
"What does not kill you makes you stronger"
"Universe never gives you more than you can handle"
"If its happening to you, you have inside you what is required to solve it"
"Let go and let God"
"Karma is a bitch, but once you clear it, you are free"
"Embrace the transformation, even when it feel like you are being put in the shredding machine- its all good, breathe - fate may shred your life, but it will never shred your Soul"
"Surrender to the rapids, the more you let go, the faster and safer you get to the shore. If you tense up, you will hit a rock for sure ;-)"
(I made some of these up,but you get the picture ;-))
And about those wishes... The wishes that the broken pieces fly back together, so all goes back to how it was .... It is good to remember that nothing can be taken away that is truly ours. If people are meant to be in our lives, the dynamics will transform and the relationships will be re-born, but on a higher plane, where what was unhealthy is resolved, so we can meet at a higher and purer level of being.
And what truly leaves, was meant to be gone, so we all can be freed to move into another chapter, which, for whatever reason, was required and was required NOW. This is true of relationships, of friendships, of jobs, of whatever it is in our lives that is undergoing this particular kind of rapid fire deep transformation. During death rebirth times (and this is one of those times), we need to allow the universe to let situations and even some parts of ourselves die, so we can reconfigure at a different and higher level. Embrace the process of psychic death, so that you may be reborn.
Which ultimately what this is all about. We all signed up to be here to do exactly this - to transform - both ourselves and our world. During this unique opportunity for mass-ive change.
As I worte on my website as far back as twelve years ago, "We are the widwives of the rebirth process of Earth" ...and sometimes to do so, we must also go through this process ourselves and be widwives to a few death-rebirth processes of our own. You cant lead anyone, if you have not been there first yourself. Plus, we all need a good pruning every now and then ;-)
We can do it - You can do it - And soon there will be new shores, new pastures, new dreams, new vistas
All is well
Sending healing and love
Copyright 2013 Katie Gallanti. If reposting include authors name (that would be me ;-)) and websites and a link to this post. Thank you x x x
Sunday, May 26, 2013
Transform the World with Light

Picture your spine as a hollow rod, then call Solar Light to yourself. Absorb this light until you have created a rod of light inside your body that spreads out, forming a cocoon of light around you. Imagine that you can sense light in everything, and picture what your environment might look like if you could see everything as light. This will assist you in developing the ability to experience the subtle energies of light as they exist in the world of form and matter.
Connect with the Solar light in this way for a few moments during the day -- at work, in your car, at home, or in a store. Every time you connect with light in this way, you are building a bridge between yourself and higher dimensions of consciousness. As you build this bridge of light you will become more radiant and effective on the earth plane in whatever you are doing.
Expand the cocoon of light around you. Challenge your self to bring in more light and to expand your field to the furthest point of comfort. Each day you will find your field expanding even further, the boundaries of your being stretching into limitlessness. Use this expanded field for self healing, but also as a means to place energy into the world. As each of us becomes a conduit for higher dimensional energy, reality subtly shifts and transforms.
Find the grids of the consciousness of humanity and place your light onto collective thought-forms that are stuck and heavy and see them becoming fluid and light. Add higher dimensional frequencies to these thought-forms, so that the collective may find new ways of thinking and being. Transform the world with your light.
Katie (inspired by Orin)
Copyright 2013. Catherine Gallanti. All rights reserved., . Repost only as full blog post, with authors name and websites clearly stated. Thank you! x x
Friday, May 24, 2013
Forks in the Road in the Great Unfolding
Some people come in our lives for a reason but only stay for a season, even if we thought they would stay forever, as beloved mates, husbands, wives or lifelong friends. Never has this been more true than during these accelerated times of change, in which people come together to learn lessons and clear karma and then often, when the learning reaches completion, swiftly move on. What was here one moment is gone the next and what seemed permanent, becomes loose and fleeting, washed away rapidly from the shore by the tides of change.
This moving on is often not a sign of failure, but a sign of graduation. The two souls may have had a contract to work out a karmic issue or a particular stage of growth. Once that growth has been achieved, the energy of the relationship drops and they move on. Or the two souls may have gotten out of synch, growing at a different pace or in different directions. And so it is that, often in agreement at the Soul level, they part.
No harm done on the Soul plane, where we remain friends through thick and thin and where nothing can separate or hinder. And yet, this can be very sad and heartbreaking process when in a body here on the Earth plane. As here the parting of the ways can feel so final. It is possible to graduate from one's lessons and still feel a deep feeling of grief as one says goodbye to the circumstances and people of the past. There is a bitter sweet irony to the kind of growth that requires for us to move away from those we cherish - its an odd kind of reward. And yet, learning when to let go, is also part of what we have come to learn, remembering that love does not need to walk side by side to continue being. In fact the love that lets go, is sometimes a love that is willing to go deeper and higher. Beyond personality attachments, huddled inner children, and expectation, into a more expanded version of love, that allows the other (and one self) to go where they are supposed to go, be who they are supposed to be, unfold as they are supposed to unfold, surrendering any ego desires to the perfection of "the plan".
Even from this place of surrender, sometime the grief cannot be escaped. And if there has been fighting, as often happens, when we choose to create the drama that prompts the separation, there can be a sense of sorrow about a bond that appears to have turned sour. At this time it is particularly important to find the higher will operating within the story. A time to reflect on the higher purpose of the union just lived, which may also help with the understanding of why that union is now complete, accepting and forgiving all that is occurring, even if one does not yet understand it all with one's mind. As all is happening as it is supposed to. And all is ultimately an opportunity to move into a higher and more detached form of love. A love that does not want. A love that surrenders its own immediate needs to what needs to be.
Support your heart during these separations. Hold the parts of you that are tender inside your own compassionate heart, so that you may be mother to the parts of you that are soft and vulnerable or hurt. Hold a space of love for the healing of the tenderness of your own heart, so that you heart may not break down but break open. And say thank you for all the love you received and the opportunity to play and learn with this other, which was and is so treasured, even when things were hard. Forgive and love your companions of growth, even as they or you leave.
Release from the heart and solar plexus the strings that cling and sees the cord between you dissolve. If it is meant to be there will be reunions and reconciliations. And if not, there will be new chapters and new stories to weave. Dissolve the Earthly bonds of love, that are temporary in nature, into the eternal bonds of the Soul. Dissolve the bonds of love into the essence of flowers and diamonds, so that you may shower your love across the world. Tears of healing for a new spring, they will fertilize and germinate the next stage of your growth, from which the next branches of your path will sprout abundant and even richer than those you just traveled.
Bow in honor for the time you shared with this other sacred Soul and playmate in the game that is life, free him or her from the role they played in your evolution, especially if they had to wear a dark or difficult mask, so you could grow. Release them of all appearances, until all that is left is the truth of your and their inner light. And let the other and yourself go, free to pursue whatever is next in the storybook of your lives. Knowing that there will be a time in which your souls will play again together, and create again another story or another adventure, even if it is to simply hang out again as sparks of light in the vast sea of being.
Your heart was mine and mine was yours.
May we now free our hearts into the grand sea of Love.
May we retain the learning and may all the rest dissolve.
Thank you for the everlasting gift of love.
May the books of karma between us now be closed.
May the healing begin and may what's highest occur.
May this bond now complete or may it be transformed
May something more beautiful from this situation evolve.
May something more beautiful from this situation evolve.
I place my heart into the ever lasting embrace of Source
where all that was broken knows how to restore
I trust in the healing and most appropriate endings
that come when I surrender into the eternal unfolding.
I trust in the healing and most appropriate endings
that come when I surrender into the eternal unfolding.
I am grateful as I heal and reclaim my light
from which I align with forgiveness
from where I know what is right.
I trust in the resolving of all I dont know
into the hands of whats higher
and into what is best for us all.
I trust in the resolving of all I dont know
into the hands of whats higher
and into what is best for us all.
I trust in the wisdom of whats eternal and true
to find a solution for what ails me, we and you.
May all that is low rise
May all that is dense refine
May our Souls, even when they part,
always prosper and shine.
And so it is :-)
May You Walk in Beauty
always prosper and shine.
And so it is :-)
May You Walk in Beauty
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