Lesson in Life
- You cannot force the river, sometimes the river just need to flow back to Mombasa -
One of my favorite scenes in one of my favorite movies, Out of Africa, is when, after years or trying to contain the flow of the river, so that it would water their fields, the river banks crumble and the river breaks free. And Karen's wise assistant says: "This river, M'sad, this river always belonged to Mombasa". And they surrender to the fact that the river, just had to go home.
It is not wise to go against the natural flow of things and if we do there often is a hidden cost and results are not long lasting. Going against the natural flow also includes violations of free will. Push your will and you may get temporary results, but eventually something crumbles and falls. Even if lifetimes from the fact, pushing the will has a boomerang effect. Even the dark one's creations eventually crumble and the chickens of karma, even if not immediately, always come to roost.
Many people who were once dark magicians and held a lot of power in past lives, often come back plagued by the very entities they summoned in those lives. Some dont even realize that they have these beings hitching rides in their field and distorting their reality with suggestions that lead down blind paths. People who think they are free but whose freedom is not their own. Certain kinds of liaisons do not come without a price.
Others come back and have to rectify what they set in motion and need to volunteer to dismantle the very things they aided in creating. Believe it or not even some of the brightest healers and warriors may have once been dark. And some still have sprinkles of that darkness within them that they still need to work out, sprinkles of ego and power drive on an otherwise good cup cake. Which is why there is such a range of personalities, complete with hidden and not so hidden shadowy bits, even within our movement.
One of the tests of the evolutionary path - not using the world spiritual on purpose as not all growing is in a "spiritual" otherworldly context - much of it is right here right now in the trenches of the day to day and the material world ......... one of the tests of the evolutionary path is that of purity in intent and of steering from the pitfalls of ego/power drives.
Example - The whole celebrity fame consciousness - as soon as something becomes popular there is a place for "celebrity" in every movement. As humans not sure why we do this, but we seem to have a need to worship. Maybe an inner homesickness for the transcendent in a world that is overall too secular or too dogmatic. We see sparkles of that transcendent in others and then we seek it, like it and revere it. The healthy side of this is just seeing the beauty of the Universe reflected in some that channel it with little distortion, such as a talent or insight that expresses. We see it, we admire it, we bow at it, just because we want more of it - as it feeds us. However best to know that we all have access to that transcendent. And that we ultimately need to go to the source of it and not allow it to just reside in outer idols. We all carry inside a seed of that spark and it is our responsibility to look for it and nurture it, so that we too may shine with purity.
However, the danger is then in those that seek this bowing and admiring of others. And that may then express that spark to boost something that is empty or feed a low sense of self esteem. Or simply for the fun of the boost. There is an energy high that comes when people are on the receiving end of the bowing, and many celebrities get addicted to the high of adoration and others sense it and seek it for themselves. Its energy food and to some extent, it does, indeed, fill one up.
In general the seeking of the worship energy and the seeking of admiration and fame are a hindrance for soul development and a test on the path of evolution. As there comes a point when one evolves, in which one's inner light shines to the point that it draws attention. And at that point, the Soul will be tested, as to what it does with that attention. Does it see it, but continue undisturbed. Or does it make it the new reason for the path. Many fail at this juncture and get fascinated by the fascination they generate in others and get distracted by the effect of their own light. And from here the fall, even if not noticeable to the world, but the inner fall, is inevitable.
Especially for those that misused their power in past lives, this test will come forward in very seductive ways. The opportunity for such seduction will be there and the Soul will need to see it and resist the temptation. Does this mean that one cannot reap the rewards of one's work? No. But, one has to stay humble and true, and continue to move forward, neutral to the glittering lights of the attention one generates. If this lesson is mastered the rewards will continue, but so will the purity of information coming through that person. And so will the reach of that information, as truth moves and carries forward of its own force. A reminder that is actually the truth and the information that moves the mountains, not the person. The person is just the vehicle that carries the mission forward. And Spirit is grateful to the carriers of mission. And Spirit does reward those that do the work. But it quickly distances from those that fall in the test of Glitter and Shine and succumb to glamor of their own self-fascination.
If you notice this is the case with so many people. They start getting the reward and they deviate and become other. And then soon whatever traction they had loses its true power and effectiveness, in exchange for a bad imitation of lackluster powerfulness that does not carry weight nor punch. I am sure each one of us can think of a thousand examples of this in many fields, as it is a pretty standard thing.
So good for us to remember always to check up on our motivation and what drives us. Are we on mission for ourselves and for our own reward? Or our we on mission with a commitment to carry potent energy of change forward for goals beyond self and gratification. The difference is sometimes a subtle one and its ok sometimes to walk within the blurred lines, as long as eventually one sees and walks back on the proper way to home.
Always keep steady, clear and true.
That's my thought for the day
Much love
Copyright 2013 Katie Gallanti. http://cosmicperspectives.blogspot.com,
http:// reclaimingthelight.blogspot .com . Feel free to share as a link to this blog post or with author name, websites and copyright byline included.
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