Special Offer - Sessions

Special end of Summer/ Labor Day Week offer on all sessions! Offer valid on all sessions: clearing and energy work, guidance sessions and more... scroll the tabs at the top of the blog to see all sessions available :-)

Basic Sessions (45 mins) $88 and In Depth Sessions (75 mins) for $144. Also $122 for one hour general healing and readings. Email katiegallanti@hotmail.com for specific details. Offer valid until Sept 4th. 

Book now to reserve your space - only 6 more sessions available between now and Sept 4th. You can also choose to pay for your session now and claim it at a later time of your choosing.

Clear Your Energy Field - Basic Session

Energy field do well when they are cleared and repaired, with no energy that belongs to others, cord and attachments.In this session I plus councils will repair your field, remove cords, energies and level one entities that are not for your highest good. Level one entities are ones that can be removed in one sweep and that are not held in place by complex past life history and contracts. For removal of level 2 entities (complex attachments) and level 3 entities (possessions), a case by case approach is required, as these issues require more in depth work.

Clear Your Chakras - Basic Session

While there can be deep blockages at the chakra level that can require quite intense and ongoing work, everybody can also benefit from a general chakra clearing. In this session I plus councils will scan and clear each of your chakras, sweeping for foreign energies, non complex blockages, energy attachments, cords, and level 1 entities and implants. This session is often done remotely. 

Energy Systems Upgrade - Basic Session

This session is offered only to people who are ready for it. And sessions 1 and 2 may be a prerequisite, as I cant upgrade systems that are not clear. But for those who are ready, this is an upgrade of the energy field, chakras and cellular physical (read DNA), so as to be better prepared for the incoming energies.

Past Life and Soul Records Clearing - Basic Session

This is a general clearing of the past life records and other Soul Records such as obsolete contracts and vows. We clear what your Soul offers for clearing: this is not a magic wand that erases all issues, but a sweep that helps remove energetically what your Soul allows at any given time. The session is done remotely. I dont give any notes on past lives. If you want details of your past lives you need to book a past life regression and reading sessions.

Past Life Regression or Soul Records/Karmic Clearing - In Depth Session

These sessions are for exploring very specific and deep karmic entanglements with people and situations that may require a more targeted approach as well as more detailed past life regression work, past life clearing and research.

I call this "core work" - as these themes that need to be looked at more closely are usually the ones that are central to our soul development. There is no randomness to the playesr that we choose to play with during our lives and to the dramas that we engage with them. Past life work not only sometimes resolves those dramas or shortens their span, but it also can help place these dramas in context, so we can then release them and let them go.

Connecting with Multidimensional Teams and Higher Aspects of Self - In Depth Session

Many old Souls are on the planet at this time, who also maintain a strong connection to higher dimensional aspects of their own Soul on other planes as well as with the group consciousnesses from which the originally emanate from. Connecting with these aspects  and these group consciousnesses can help you become more aware of who you are in your most expanded version of self as well as to the bigger picture of why you are here on the planet at this time and your mission.  I have connected hundreds of people to their guides and higher aspects over the years and people always find this very rewarding. Many find that these groups feel like family and that they help them stay sane during challenging times. 

Connecting with Soul Consciousness and Activating the Soul Bodies - In Depth Session

These sessions are for making a direct connection with their own Soul Consciousness and Soul Bodies.
The Soul spark that we bring into incarnation is only a part of who we are at the Soul level. Only a part of our energy descends into incarnation. A vast part of our true energy sits in a plane outside of physical reality and this vast energy is what I call the Soul Consciousness. At the Soul level we are all very expanded beings, but in a body we are immersed in lesson and we forget. Part of evolving is about bringing the energy of the Soul into the incarnation, so we can live as expanded beings when in incarnation. Connecting directly with the Soul Consciousness facilitates that process - it activates the Soul Bodies (of which the light body is one), it brings more light into the DNA and chakras, it refines the mental body, allowing for more inspred ideas and perspectives. and it helps to love with compassionate detachment, as from the Soul level we can see all the elemnts of the play.

During these sessions I help you make this conscious connection through guided visualization processes, clear any block in crown chakra that may be in the way to making this connection and then teach you how to repeat this process on your own, so you can continue to develop this connection. 

Connecting with Source and Activating the Source Bodies - In Depth Session

This is a similar process to the Soul and Soul Bodies activation, but going even higher. As the Source is the energy from which the Soul emanates. And it is possible to make a direct connection to the part of ourselves that resides in the Source energy, activating the Source bodies. This is particularly useful for people that want a rock solid  and very expanded energy field, beaming chakras and really high experience of consciousness. Connecting to Source is just one thought away - no need for any sessions to do that - These sessions are for bringing the source field into the incarnation and taking one step even further in ones ability to hold light. Harder to explain than to do ;-) lol - But very beneficial step up in vibration. These session are available for those that have already cleared their field and karmic track of most stuff.  And who have already activated their Soul Bodies -
as Soul bodies need to be activated first, for source bodies to stick. These session are on the phone or on skype only.

I also offer a variety of other session on the phone and skype. To see what else we cover you can visit the link below.

Link to full list of topic covered in a general sessions


Email me at katiegallanti@hotmail.com for further inquiries; Special Offer from Aug 26th until Sept 4th - $88 for Basic Sessions and $144 for in depth sessions. Feel free to contact me via email or FB to discuss your needs and reserve your space. Much love . Katie   x x x x