Wednesday, May 02, 2012

Reaching into High Energy Streams

Consciousness travels in energy streams... at the moment on the planet there are many currents of consciousness....people vibrating in a space of anger and rage and fear, very wrapped up in the events that are transpiring in the world... this is not a wrong place to be, but it can be a disheartening one at times.... and while there is value in tacking all the issues that generate events, it is als
o important that we take time to travel in the higher energy currents, so that we do not become burned out and exhausted...

Reach upwards with your consciousness... You will find that there are currents of peace and calm and love and ecstasy and beauty already firmly anchored in the earth collective grid and that these energy currents are available to you... you can join them just with a thought.... 

Reach upward.... reach up towards the energy streams traveling in the higher levels of the Earth collective consciousness and navigate the flow and the ease of will find that as you do so you connect with great consciousnesses of light, holders of the more expansive frequencies, available for you at any time... 

And as you travel the higher streams, you become an anchor for higher light, helping to create an even more stable grid, assisting in pulling humanity upwards, into the infinity of love ♥ 

May you walk in Beauty...


Copyright 2012. Katie Gallanti, MS, MA., All rights reserved. Share as a link to this blog with authors name and website links displayed.

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