Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Soothing Earth Rumbles

Several Earthquakes today. A lot of activity under the Earth right now is what I see. Pressure and heat pushing from the inner core upwards. Some quake activity today but my visions say that there is more energy building under the whole North American continent, including California/Mexico. Magmatic pressure is what my councils say.

Visualize the energy diffusing in small doses, so we can shift gradually and with ease. All part of Solar/Earth cycle and its affecting the Earth body, but it is also affecting the human bodies. If you feel you are about to explode or that you are processing more stuff than you can handle: diffuse, diffuse, diffuse.

Visualize excess energy spinning out of your body, energy field and leaving. Ask Spirit for support in diffusing all excess energy from people, the animals, the planet and yourself. Visualize the excess energy spinning out of the energy field of the Earth and diffusing, dissolving or leaving, to the degree that is for the highest good.

In particular visualize excess energy diffusing and dissolving in all volcanic areas and fault line areas, especially in places that are inhabited. Visualize the Earth being soothed with cool blue energy. Visualize both the outer Earth and the inner core being soothed with pale celeste blue light. Feel the inner fire of the inner Earth gently cooling and excess energy diffusing to the degree that is for the highest good..

Ask that these interventions happen only to the degree that they are for the highest good of all and in alignment with divine will.

Much love :-)


Copyright 2011. Katie Gallanti.All rights reserved. Feel free to re-post, without altering content and inclusive of the link to the original blog post and authors website http://www.cosmicessence.com.

Katie Gallanti, MS, MA is a intuitive, metaphysical counselor, past life healer, blockage buster,multidimensional guide, teacher and writer. Katie’s mission is to assist with the evolution of the Earth plane’s collective consciousness through her writing, healing, consultations and planetary work. To inquire about a private phone session tailored to your situation feel free to contact me at my katie@cosmicessence.com email.  

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