Sunday, June 13, 2010

A Call to the Warrior Visionaries

A few words on the heavy duality that is being released on the Earth plane the past 10 years. So many things are coming to a head, so many old energies are released from the Grids, becoming visible during these years for all to see, as they transit out of this world. Skeletons coming out of the closet in the fields of politics, challenges with an economy in meltdown, the worrying state of the natural world, pollution, toxic vaccines, GM nasties spreading rampant through our food supply, the melting of the ice caps, real or manufactured global warming, corruption, greed, the end the oil supply. As the dark Cabals pull every stunt in their dark game to take a final hold of this world and stop the progress of humanity, the list is truly endless. It is easy to become angry, pessimistic and taken over by the energies of “fear or hopelessness” as one wrestles with the status quo in order to achieve change. It was definitely happening to me, as I began research into the darkest aspects of our planetary reality, some years ago, probably around 1999. So I thought I would share with you a few reflections I have had since on the topic.

Dealing with the dark energy

The message is about the role of the lightworkers during this shifting of heavy world energy. It is important to stay centered and to not buy into the reality that is surfacing right now as the “real” state of the world or as the sign that the world is going to hell in a hand-basket. It is important to keep in mind that these are old energies leaving the planet and, as in a healing crisis, these energies are becoming more visible as they surface and exit the physical planes. Although many are hearing about the hidden rulers of this planet and their not so wonderful intention of global dominance for the first time now, the truth is that the planetary hidden rulers have been present and manipulating this plane, to various degrees, for many thousands of years. Since the fall of Atlantis, at the very least. We have just now however reached the level of collective awareness to see through the veil and have many perceive in large numbers what has been there all along.
In fact, what we are truly seeing, at present, is the hidden rulers, stepping up their game, in a futile attempt to remain in control of a fast awakening humanity who no longer desires to sustain with its energy anything but its own freedom, love based power and light filled consciousness. And as this is occurring, all that is not light is being revealed, as the energy structures at the collective level expel all that is not compatible with our new collective direction to the surface, so that we may see it and heal it with our intention, truth and light. The world is truly releasing toxins right now, as the darkness is being vomited out from the collective aura, through a powerful collective purge.
As this occurs, it is best that we don’t fall pray of the heavy energy being released, buying into the picture that all these problems are “ unsolvable” or as signs that we are destined to doom. We are not doomed and focusing on that feeling of doom is counterproductive, as it affirms as real and effective the plans of the dark ones, running the risk of entrapping their toxic energy as they exit the Earth plane, allowing them to exists for another day.

Know that energetically the world of today is the manifestation of the energy of yesterday. Just like when we see the light of a star in the sky, we are really looking at an image that is many thousands of years old, because it takes time for the light to reach us from these far away galaxies, know that the status quo in the material world is always a delayed image of a collective energy put forward in the past, some time ago on the inner planes. Reality as we know it is but a delayed echo of the collective consciousness of the past. If we become overly involved in the despair caused by witnessing the not so fabulous three dimensional manifestations we are witnessing today, focusing our present energy on what is happening with worry, doom, anger, fear or despair we may be reinforcing those three dimensional scenarios for the future, rather than aiding their full release and resolution.

This occurs because when we focus on these energies, affirming their reality as an unsolvable problem or hopeless scenario problem, living the energy of that hard reality, they become part of our energy field. And it is with our energy that we create what manifests tomorrow, as it is what we hold in our energy field becomes manifest. We need to become mindful of what we empower with our energy and of the thoughts and emotions accept as reality within our fields and consciousness.

This, however, does NOT mean 
denying what is or ignoring the negative

It does not mean living in an ungrounded pink cloud, pretending everything is fine, or detaching from what is happening in the physical world, and just think about ourselves, as is believed by many, based on an only partially understood metaphysical teaching. It means that we are being called to being fully in the world, to being fully the witness and yet, to not contribute to the energy of duality with our own energy. . It means know with certainty that the outcome will be positive in each fiber of ones being. It means holding the most hopeful and glowing vision of the future despite all evidence to the contrary And being that energy, to the best of our ability, in the Now.

Being the energy that we want in the world. Being the seeds of the new templates and consciousness to be. Exposing the dark and destroying the old, whilst also holding glowingly optimistic collective visions for the future and the embodying of those inspired emotions in the present, as it is these energies that will generate our next tomorrow.

Make no mistake, This is a warrior stance, a call to mastery. It is a call to the awakening of the spiritual warrior within us that is able to see and be in one reality, however negative, whilst holding another unwavering in one's mind, consciousness and Soul.

This is the time of the awakening 
of the 
Warrior Visionaries

This is the time of the holders of the vibration of  truth and courage, the time of the holders of the  divine flame that assures the transmutation of our world into the glorious blueprint of what it was always meant to be. This is the time of the warrior visionaries. The warrior Visionary is not a destructive fighter.  The Warrior Visionary is a master of holding space. The warrior visionary exposes and dismantles old corrupt structures, both on the physical plane and at the energetic level, without empowering the energy it wishes to change with its own emotion. If we give something our anger, our hate, and especially our fear, our despair or our doom (there is such a thing as empowered and rightful anger, but there is no such thing as empowered fear), we make it real tomorrow. Such is metaphysical law.

The Warrior Visionary

creates change 

through the focused direction 

of the Will

aligned with Divine Will 

The Warrior Visionary uses the will focused and directed like the blade of a sward, in service and alignment with Divine Will. Change is created by holding a steady focus of what one wants to create, a steady focus that is self-contained, self-sustaining and knows a victorious outcome without doubt. Rooted, grounded, unshakeable in the knowledge that a positive outcome will prevail.
The warrior Visionary is a Master of working with energy. He knows that reality exists first as energy and that energy can be transformed. Empowered by this knowledge, she knows that she can transform realities in an instant with just a little awareness and skill and, therefore, never despairs.
We are all Warrior Visionaries, or at least we can all be. And some have incarnated here with this role as a primary purpose. Head your calling and be the Warrior Visionary you were born to be.

May the universe rejoice in your creation song. Namaste. 

God's Gladiators 
Katie Gallanti © 2009., All rights reserved. Katie Gallanti, MS, MA is a metaphysician, healer, teacher and writer.  Katie’s mission is to assist with the evolution of the Earth plane’s collective consciousness through her writing, healing, consultations and planetary work. She is the creator of Warrior Visionaries, an ongoing series of teachings, videos and material on MP3s, aimed at engaging people in supporting the planetary shift, and Riding the Financial Crisis: Metaphysical tools for creating abundance during turbulent times and other recorded works, which you can find here.Feel free to re-post, online only, without altering content and inclusive of thi author's name  and websites, links clearly stated.For more information email or sign up for our free newsletter.