A running commentary on life on the blue planet from the higher perspective of the Cosmic Realms and the not always so high, but hopefully still interesting, perspective of my incarnated self.
I have no ideological issue with people eating some fish and meat every so often, but industrial farming in our world has gone absolutely berserk...it also keeps us tied to the food industry, as each of us cannot grow their own cow.
Food freedom is going to become a huge issue in the months and year to come. Food freedom means growing your own food with minimal costs and maximum independence from the controls that want us to be dependent on the system. To be truly out of the system, we need to be self sustaining.
So stock up on seeds that can be sprouted (quinoa, peas, lentils, alpha alpha, sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds, etc), sources of digestible fermented protein. And seeds that can produce green foods such as greens, broccoli beans and vegetables. And diminish your negative impact on the environment at the same time.
It is actually really easy to grow greens and even with just greens, sprouted seeds and some pulses, one can live very well and healthy...add some free range chickens for eggs and vitamin b12 and one is good to go...a healthy not toxic human does not actually need much more to live. Most of our food needs are addictions and cravings born out of toxicity.
So, simplify, detox and prepare for the new world. Detox now, as we are so toxic that eating healthy can, ironically, cripple us in the short term with detox symptoms, as our liver and colons clear out of years of toxic chemicals stored in the fat in our body.It can take months to detox and you don't want to be knocked out right when the world needs you the most. When the time comes the light warriors need to be fit and healthy, so as to be able to steer the world in the direction required. Now is the time.
So lets clean up, tox out and return to our true vitality while we still have time to prepare. Also know that the less toxic our body is and the more clean foods we eat, the more we will be able to sustain the wave of accelerated energy that is coming in from the galactic core without blowing a fuse.
Detox and prepare, so when the time comes in which there is no food aside from what you can grow, you can thrive and be an independent game changer. There is a reason for which for the past years laws aimed at curtailing food freedom have been passed and are still in the process of being passed. Its because food freedom and growing ones own food is going to be the only way for us to move away from a system whose aim is to lock us up in the most controllable fashion, so as to neutralize our soul light at a unique time in Earth and Galactic history.
Eat for freedom. Detox for the world. And generations to come will be thankful for your pioneering contribution. Take back your power, become a conscious eater and become the new founding fathers and mothers of the new world to be.
There are many flavors of being, different aspects of the self that want expression. The wise one , the warrior, the hero, the shadow, the inner child, the inner parent, the mother, the spouse, the spiritual teacher, the adventurer, the bold one, the compassionate one, the lover, the magician...
We may have an inner Buddha, with its bigger picture wisdom. An inner mother, with her kindness and compassion. But there are also more fiery aspects, such as the inner warrior or the inner hero, who thrive on the boldness of the quest.
For wholeness all aspects of the self need to express and be integrated. You cannot repress your aspects. It always results in illness or projection. That is, you hold it in and go off balance, or you start seeing it outside of yourself and you fight with it. Jung called this Shadow Boxing.
We all do this to some degree and part of the journey of growth is to make this process conscious. And as part of this we also need to become aware of the belief systems within the spirituality that we embrace, which encourage one mode of expression and frown on another. As what our spiritual framework frowns upon, we will tend to repress. However, we need all the flavors for a balanced psyche soup.
In the old days it was considered not ok to be sexual and spiritual at the same time. Or to be wealthy and spiritual. People took vows of chastity and poverty when they took their religious commitment vows. Some still do. And, deeper conspiracies aside, we can all see what this has done in manifesting sexual abuse and pedophilia within the old models of church. Repression always seeks expression. And what is repressed, if not worked on in an integrated way, most often ends up acted out.
In the new age spirituality, there is a great emphasis on only the soft archetypes. The loving one, the compassionate one, the mother, the Buddha, the healer, the teacher, the nurturer. But the new spirituality disowns two fundamental groups of aspects. The Aspects that have to do with Power. Warrior style power. And the Aspects to do with Truth, no matter how negative.
This leaves these stronger aspects censored, who then fester below the surface, seeking expression, forgetting that sometimes even a bit of poison can be a cure. Its all in the dosage. While we don't need to be running around fighting with everybody, a touch of warrior does wonders for one's boundaries. True power does not even need to fight. People just don't dare to cross that line when they smell true power. Its ultimately a knowing of presence within one's own mind.
Many new age people however are taught to disown power. As a result many therefore become sweetsy sweet, always smile, never complain, always seek to be positive, even when it hurts, and do not say no when they should. They disown their power and allow for others to hurt them in the name of spiritual goals, not understanding that there is nothing spiritual in allowing bullies to run the show.
Others instead become the thought police, running around all day telling others not to be negative, or fearful or to not focus on bad stuff, reprimanding them for being not loving enough or fearful. And whenever anybody around them embraces power/truth aspects, they attempt to silence them. Its the way in which they reinforce within themselves the teachings they have embraced as true, which however shut part of their own energy down. They will not allow you to say the emperor has no clothes, just in case their own power aspects may pop out, unbridled, which can be a scary thing. Many people in the new spirituality seem to take on this role.
Furthermore, astrology teaches us that there is an innate signature to each being. We are not all the same. We are of the same substance, yes, but we do not all hold the same dominant quality of expression within our vibrational patterns. As as Souls we are here on different journeys with different intent and purpose. And as Souls we choose different personality vehicles for the manifestation of that different purpose and journey.
So if someone incarnated with a strong Pluto in their chart and has a dominant power/warrior aspect, they have to be true to that quality. They need to not repress it, but express it in its highest form...power with love instead of power over. Power in service to a higher mission, instead of at service to the ego. However they will still have to do power, because that is what they are here to do. For a Pluto person to be all soft is the same as a Lion trying to be a Dove. Doves are great, but Lion's don't pull off a good impression of them. They are meant to be Lions and only being a Lion will do.
We need to let our Lions be Lions and teach them to be healthy Lions, instead of asking them to always purr.We all have different purposes within the bigger puzzle. And some Souls were meant to do power and warriorship. And they get a ton of opposition in the current new spirituality paradigm, that wants then to always speak softly and not roar.
It is important as we go forward spiritually, that we find expression for all parts and that we understand who we are and our calling. And that then we find ways to express that calling, our signature expression, in its highest way. People with strong power signatures, the spiritual warriors of this world, need to find ways to express that power in its pure form, which is done without harming others, but learning how to stand ground. As guardians of truth. Protectors with love. And trailblazers on the risky path. So they may create the safe container in which the Doves can sing their song.
Embrace the power within and honor both the Lion and the Dove within you, as well as without. Embrace the wholeness of your being and find a way to find the highest expression for all the qualities your hold within, even the ones that pack a little punch. And allow others to do the same.Remember that we need all the colors to make a good rainbow.
Although self esteem, in theory, should be a constant thing generated from the inside, in practice, self -esteem fluctuates in most people in relationship to the people they are surrounded with and in relationship to their environment.
When we do things that are good for ourselves, the universe gives us feedback and self-esteem goes up. When we are with people who give us good feedback about ourselves and who hold good energy, this also helps self-esteem rise, just like a plant fairs better in good soil.There are also people who drag us down and chip away at our self-esteem. It can be part of one's growth to eliminate such people from one's life.
Abusive people almost always aim at lowering self-esteem in others. Its a power maneuver that allows them to stay on top. If on a journey of recovery from abuse, one of the steps towards healing can be to limit contact with people who use this negative power based method of interacting.
When around people, it can be useful to watch how our chakras react energetically. If around a particular person, you suddenly feel your third chakra getting really tight, know that that you are experiencing a negative power interaction. If the feeling is unpleasant, your are being corded energetically or you are receiving a solar plexus hit.
It would be nice to think the world is full of lovely people, but some souls are still playing for the dark T-shirts or a simply unaware and are looking for an energy fix from sources of power outside of themselves. Consciously or unconsciously, they become energy predators. Some of the dark T-shirts players are REAL predators and they like to hone in on the light ones and disrupt them. So it is a good idea to have a self-defense energy kit available to deal with these situations.
If you are dealing with a third chakra hit, immediately cut cords and lift the energy out of the solar plexus and into the heart chakra. You will feel an immediate lift, as the heart chakra is a natural transmuter. If the person you are dealing with is just a garden variety unconscious person sucking up power, send them love and mentally tell them there are other ways to get energy and visualize hooking them back up to Source.
If the person is a dark T-shirt player, nine time out of ten they will have entities attached to them, so you are will be looking at a more complex issue. Unless you know how to clear entities, it may be a good idea for you to just cut cords and shield. Ask Source for a bubble of protection and for whatever support the other person is willing to receive in shifting its dark orientation.
Remember however that Souls on this plane have free will. Therefore people who are traveling a dark path may not be ready to change just yet. While allowing for the possibility that they may shift, be grounded in reality and do what is needed for you to protect your energy field and continue on your path, which may also involve no contact.
If you are having ongoing issues with psychic attack ( energetic or from individuals) or need to have your field professionally cleared and repaired, feel free to email me at katie@cosmicessence.com to book a consultation.http://www.cosmicessence.com/contect/consultations.html . For general clearing and activations, feel free to visit the link tabs under the title picture at the top of this blog.
Katie is a healer, multidimensional intuitive, metaphysics teacher, writer and editor. Katie was a magazine writer, and columnist with 45 articles published in the US and in the UK between 2004-2010, with topics that range from esoteric knowledge and metaphysics to contemporary psychology, science and current affairs. She is currently writing her first book.
Katie’s mission is to assist with the evolution of the Earth plane’s collective consciousness and to support those who are engaged in this sometimes challenging evolutionary journey during these times of great change.
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